Welcome To My Home (Page)
So, I wrote my first book, THE ESSENCE OF SHADE. So proud! But wait. There’s more. My second novel, ESCAPING PRETENSE, was just published in January of 2022.
Along my writing journey, I discovered I needed to build a fanbase. So, I created this website after countless hours watching YouTube videos.
Now what? A gimmick–something to lure people in. Wait!! I love to cook, and my first book just so happens to have numerous references to food. In fact, my main character, Shade, owns a bakery. How convenient is that?
So here’s what I did. I hired a designer to create my covers (check them out on the “My Book” tab), and then blasted my novel out to the world via the many self-publishing tools available for dreamers like me.
I hope you consider purchasing my books, and if you are so inclined, leave a review. Reviews are very helpful for struggling authors like me! Please visit often to receive my latest food tips and recipes. And for your reading pleasure, I’ve included the first chapter of THE ESSENCE OF SHADE and ESCAPING PRETENSE. Just click on either book image on the My Books page for a sneak-peek.

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Thanks for stopping in. Would love to hear from you–whether it’s about my Books, my writing journey, or questions related to food.
Want to get in touch? Just send me an email and tell me what’s on your mind. Click on the Contact page and fill out the handy message form.
Interested in cooking or baking? View my latest posts by heading on over to my Recipes page. After spending years pouring over cookbooks and experimenting in the kitchen, I’ve got a lot to share.
You can also hook up with me by checking out the social media buttons in the footer below. I just might be hanging out there.